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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Luke 23:32-43 THE ROAD TO PARADISE Intro: Today
is Palm Sunday. Today commemorates the day Jess Christ road into Jerusalem on
the back of a donkey in fulfillment of Zechariah’s ancient prophecy, Zech. 9:9. Today begins what is often
called “The Passion Week”. During these days that lead up to
Resurrection Sunday, we are challenged to stop and think about the sufferings
and the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our text today
finds Jesus having been arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to death. In
this passage, Jesus is crucified and is in the process of dying for our sins as
our Redeemer, as our Savior. As Jesus dies
that day, He is not alone. There is a small group of supporters at His feet.
They include His mother Mary, John the Beloved Disciple, Mary Magdalene and His
mother’s sister. A great crowd is also there that day. The religious elite have
gathered to watch Jesus as He dies. Roman soldiers are there to make sure the
execution goes forth unhindered. Common people mill about watching Jesus and
the others die. There was another
group there that day. It is on this group of people that I want to call your
attention to today. You see, Jesus wasn’t the only one dying that awful day. We
are told that two other men died with Him there at Calvary. Today, I want to
focus in on the reason for our Lord’s death and suffering. There is no doubt
that the death of Jesus on that cross was a painful event! The Bible makes it
clear that Jesus suffered greatly when He died, Isa. 52:14; Isa. 53:1-6. The Bible also makes it clear that the
death of Jesus wasn’t about the pain! The death of
Jesus at Calvary was for a purpose. Jesus died that day to open a road to
Heaven for all who will receive Him as they Savior. I want to preach about The
Road To Paradise. I want to show you the connection each of the three
men who died that day had to this road. I want you to see
that One
Man Excluded This Road; One Man Embraced This Road and One
Man Established This Road. Watch these truths unfold in these
verses. I.
v. 39
THIS ROAD · We are
told that this man is a “malefactor”. This word means “evil
doer”. He is a criminal and he has been caught, convicted and condemned
for his crime. This verse tells us that he was “hanged”. After his trial,
he would have been beaten and then taken outside the city to the place of
execution to be nailed to the cross. He is in agony and he is dying! It was a
tragic moment. What makes it
more tragic is that man is about to die like he has lived: without God! He
lived a wicked life, but he is headed to a lost eternity! Any
life lived without God is a tragic life. Then to have that life end and for
that person to die without God is a tragedy beyond words! An eternity in Hell
awaits those who die without God, Psa.
9:17; 2 Thes. 1:8-9.) · We are
told that even through his own pain, this dying man cried out in mockery of the
Lord Jesus Christ. The word “railed” means “to speak evil of, or to blaspheme”.
He even questions the identity of Jesus when he uses the word “if”.
He doesn’t
believe the testimony of Jesus. He doesn’t believe the sign hanging over the
head of Jesus that proclaims Him to be the King of the Jews. He is dying and in
that moment of anger, pain and torment, he lashes out at the very One Who could
have made a difference in his eternity. By his words and actions, this man
tells us where is heart is. It is still lost and blinded in the darkness of
sin. This
man is a perfect picture of the majority of people in our world today. There
are many who might never mock the name of Jesus out loud. Yet, they do it every
day by denying Him. They say they believe in God, but they are “practical
atheists”. They live as though God was dead. There are others who treat
the name Jesus as a byword. They use His name as other men would use a curse
word. He is ridiculed, hated, ignored and vilified. Those
who deny Him with their lips and with their lives are telling us all we need to
know about them. Their reaction to Jesus and His Gospel prove that they are
lost in sin, Rom. 3:23; Eph. 2:1.) I
realize that for some, that dying thief just caused you see yourself. You need
to know that if you are lost, you do not have to stay that way. Jesus died to make
a road of escape from the power and penalty of your sins! Listen on!) II.
v. 40-42 ONE MAN
know a lot about this man. We know that he was also a thief. He was a wrongdoer
and had been condemned to die for his crimes. But, there is a marked difference
between this man and the other thief. At first, they had both mocked Jesus, Mark 15:32. Now, this man has had a
change of mind and he rebukes the other thief who is mocking Jesus. This man had seen
or heard something that day that touched his heart and that was used by the
Spirit of God to open his eyes to Who Jesus really was. What did he see that
made the difference? 1. Maybe it was the way Jesus was silent as they nailed Him to the
cross – Isa. 53:7. 2. Maybe it was the way Jesus responded to
the mockery of His enemies – Luke
23:34. 3. Maybe it was the sign over the cross of
Jesus that proclaimed His title – Luke
23:38. 4. Maybe this man had heard the stories
about Jesus. Maybe he had heard about His preaching or His miracles. Maybe he
had even heard Him preach with his own ears. 5. It could have been any number of things
that spoke to his heart. But, whatever it was told him that Jesus was no
ordinary man! Whatever it was told this dying man that Jesus was his Messiah
and that Jesus was his only hope! As
he hangs there in the presence of Jesus, this man confesses himself to be a
sinner. He declares his guilt for all to hear! He says, “I am the man! I am guilty and I
deserve everything I and receiving and am about to receive.” I
can hear in his words the sorrow of a wasted life. I can hear the sorrow over
wrong deeds, wasted opportunities and shattered dreams. I can hear a man who is
sorry for what he has done and for what He has become. He is a repentant
sinner! One
of the first steps in being saved is the step of repentance! Before you can be
saved, you must first become lost. This involves the work of the Holy Spirit in
conviction, John 16:7-11; John 6:44.
When sin is revealed, acknowledged and confessed, Jesus can extend forgiveness
and redemption, 1 John 1:9. There
has always been a tendency for sinners to pass the blame. Adam and Eve tried
that tactic, Gen. 3:11-13. Everyone
wants to pass the buck. They want to blame their parents for their upbringing. They
want to blame the hard knocks of life. They want to blame their rowdy friends,
etc. But, until a person gets honest about his sin and repents before God, he
can never receive the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ! Sin
is still sin! Man has tried to redefine sin, but God has never changed His mind
about what it is and what it can and will do in the life of the sinner. People
no longer commit adultery, they have affairs! People are not drunkards, they
have a social disease. People no longer steal and cheat, now they embezzle! People
don’t commit fornication, they sleep together. People don’t commit sodomy, they
are just gay. Hogwash! Sin
is as vile and repugnant to God as it has always been! Ø Man says
it is an accident, God says it is an
abomination. Ø Man says
it is a blunder, God says it is blindness. Ø Man says
it is a chance, God says it is a choice. Ø Man says
it is a disease, God says it is a defect. Ø Man says
it is an error, God says it is enmity. Ø Man says
it is a fascination, God says it is
a fatality. Ø Man says
it is great, God says it is gross. Ø Man says
it is happiness, God says it is hateful. Ø Man says
it is innocent, God says it is indecency. Ø Man says
it is justified, God says it brings judgment. Ø Man says
it is keen, God says it kills. Ø Man says
it is liberating, God says it is a liability. Ø Man says
it is a mistake, God says it is murderous. Ø Man says
it is naughty, God says it is nauseating. Ø Man says
it is an opportunity, God says it is
oppression. Ø Man says
it is passion, God says it is a pity. Ø Man says
it is quirk, God says it is a quagmire. Ø Man says
it is reward, God says it is repulsive. Ø Man says
it is sickness, God says it is a sin. Ø Man says
it is a trifle, God says it is a tragedy. Ø Man says
it is unavoidable, God says it ungodliness. Ø Man says
it is a virtue, God says it is a violation. Ø Man says
it is a weakness, God says it is wickedness. Ø Man says
it is exciting, God says it is excess. Ø Man says
it is yearning, God says it is yielding. Ø Man says
it is zesty, God says it is a zero! Until
a person comes to the place where the can see their sins as God sees them, they
will never be saved! The first step is salvation is repentance! · This man sees
himself as he is, but he also sees Jesus as He is! He recognizes the fact that
Jesus is no ordinary man. He understands that Jesus has committed no sins and
that He is Who He claims to be. (Ill. Perhaps
Jesus was the talk in the prison the night before. Perhaps the prisoners talked
about this man Who had healed the sick, raised the
dead, fed the multitudes and claimed to be able to forgive sins. From some
source, this man becomes aware that Jesus is Who he
needs for his salvation.) Have
you arrived at that place? Have you come to the place where you see Jesus as
the only hope you have? This man knew he was going to die. No one on this earth
could save him from that fate. However,
he believed that Jesus could save him from a far worse fate. He believed Jesus
could save him from and eternity in Hell. He was right and Jesus can do the
same thing for you! But, you must come to the place where you see Him as the
only hope you have. You
have to come to the place where you are trusting Jesus, and Jesus alone to save
your soul, John 14:6; Acts 4:12. It
is not Jesus plus anything. It is just Jesus and Jesus alone! · This man
was able to look beyond the present. With eyes of faith he saw Jesus dying,
resurrecting and reigning someday. With a tiny bit of faith in his heart, he
cries out to the Lord and he is heard and received by the Lord Jesus Christ. He
knew Jesus was Who Jesus had claimed to be. This poor, dying man, yielded all
to the Son of God and embraced Jesus as his Savior! Have
you ever come to that place in your life? Have you ever trusted Jesus Christ
and Him alone as your personal Savior? Are you saved today? You
may have done many good things for many people; you may be a good person; you
may be a church member and a good moral individual; but have you ever come to
the place where you saw yourself as a lost sinner and Jesus Christ as your only
hope, Eph. 2:8-9; John 3:16? Have
you ever called on His name by faith and trusted him to save you soul? If you
haven’t, I would like to invite you to do just that today! Don’t wait another
moment to come to Jesus! III. v. 43 ONE
hung there in agony and shame, dying for the sins of humanity, He reached out
in love and compassion to this poor, lost thief. Jesus saw this moment as the
perfect opportunity to save a soul. Jesus saved this man just because he called
on Him. He would have saved the other thief as well if he had but called out in
faith, and He will save you if you will call on Him right now. By doing this,
Jesus demonstrated exactly why He died. Notice carefully what Isa. 53:1-6 says. It tells us in great
detail that Jesus was to suffer, but it makes it plain over and over that it
was all “for you”! The cross was not about the pain, it was about the
payment, John 10:15; Mark 10:45! Jesus died to
satisfy the just demands of God for our sins. Jesus died to pay the penalty
sinners could never pay. Jesus died to take our place, pay for our sins and set
us free, 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Pet. 2:24. · Jesus
accepted the simple, child-like faith of that dying thief. Jesus told this man
that he did not have to wait for a future time to be with the Lord; he would be
with the Lord that very day in paradise. The word “paradise”
comes from a Persian word which means “a walled garden”. To be invited into
a king’s paradise was to be invited to join him in fellowship within his walled
garden. Jesus tells this
man that that very day; he would join Jesus in sweet fellowship in our Lord’s
paradise! Praise God, there is hope beyond the grave! The soul lives on in the
presence of the Lord and enjoys sweet fellowship with Him in glory, 2 Cor. 5:8! What a hope and what a
promise! You
may think you will go to the grave when you die, but in truth, your soul will
live on forever in either heaven or hell, depending on what you did with Jesus.
Because what you do with Him will determine what He will do with you! · I think
you would agree with me that the situation looked hopeless! Here were two dying
men; one cries out to the other and receives the promise of salvation. Even
when things looked hopeless for Jesus, He was still just as much God as He had
ever been! He had just as much power as He had ever possessed! He was just as
able to save as always! When that poor, dying thief cried out in simple, childlike
faith. Jesus responded by saving his soul! That is just what He did for me when
I called on Him and that is just what He will do for you if you too will call
on Jesus to be saved. It
doesn’t matter how far into sin you have traveled. It doesn’t matter what kind
of wickedness you have gotten into. If you will come to Jesus and call on His
name for forgiveness, He will receive you and He will save you, Rom. 10:13. He will not turn you away, John 6:37! What He did for that thief,
what He did for me and what He has done for others, He will do for you if you
will come to Him. Conc: Three
men died that day on a hill called Calvary. · One man
died in his sins, he went to Hell because He rejected Jesus Christ. · One man
died to sin. He turned to Jesus by faith and was saved. · The third
Man, Jesus, died for sin. He gave His life on that cross so that you might have
your sins forgiven, miss Hell and go to Heaven. He died for your sins so that
you would not have to die in your sins! Now today, if you
have never been saved, this is your opportunity! If you will come to Jesus by
faith, believing that He died for you and rose again, you can be saved. If you
are already saved and have allowed the things of the world, or an old bitter
spirit to come between you and the Lord Who loves you, you need to come and
experience His forgiveness. If you are saved
and are walking in close fellowship with Him, maybe you just want to come and
thank Him for what He did for you! Is there a need? There is help and hope in
the Lord Jesus. There are only
two roads you can travel through this life. Jesus makes this crystal clear in Matthew 7:13-14. In those verses He
says, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the
way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and
few there be that find it.” One road leads to
Hell. All people are on that road when they are born into this world. Most will
live their entire lives on that road; they will die there and they will go to
Hell. The other road leads to God’s paradise, Heaven. Only a few people ever
walk that road. Only a few people will make it to Heaven. Which road are
you on today? If you are on the wrong road, it is not too late to change
directions. Come to Jesus and be saved. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |